Technology Acceptance And Its Impact On Organizational Innovation With Staff Effectiveness

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


کلية علوم ادارة، جامعة اکتوبر للعلوم الحديثة والآداب، جيزة


This research is discussing the impact of organizational innovation with two of its dimensions in specific (Administrative & Technical) on staff effectiveness. In the beginning of the paper, it was challenging to choose how to measure the staff effectiveness variable but after further research it was decided to examine it by Performance and Satisfaction as it will be discussed further in the upcoming chapters.
The research also aims to test the impact of the moderating role of technology acceptance with its two dimensions (Perceived Ease of Use & Perceived Usefulness), and how it explains and affect the relationships proposed on each hypothesis.
Through spreading more than 500 questionnaires using online platforms the researcher was able to collect 387 successful data sample to reach the research results. The study findings have showed that there is positive relationship between organizational innovation and staff effectives.
While the in-depth analysis using ANOVA and R-square analysis showed that the moderating role of technology acceptance have enriched the relationship between the organizational innovation and Staff effectiveness.

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